Contact us with any questions or to schedule an appointment for your child.
Research shows us over and over the benefits of family mealtime throughout childhood. We can attribute the undistracted conversation around the table to increased social adjustment, and growth development.
Thanksgiving is a traditional season of gratitude. Take your gratitude checks a step further and make them a piece of fall Decor. Buy a Canvas at a local craft store, and let the kids help outline with ribbon, and accessories. Keep a jar of markers on the dinner table and let each family member write something they are grateful for on the board each night.
Valentines Day
Place an empty jar on the Dinner table and some paper hearts in another Use the book as a guideline on How to fill someones bucket – go around the table and have everyone tell how they filled someone’s Bucket that day.
Summer Count Down
Using a traditional paper chain – have each child write a question or a fun activity they want to do over the summer -each night remove a ring to discuss the topic around the table as you count down until school is out ex. favorite vacation spot, best summer read, new activity to try.
Question Jar
Have each family member write 5 different questions to put in a jar for meal time conversation. Also check out tabletopics.com for various conversation starters for purchase. (travel size are great for out to eat!) Or check out the following easy to manage table games: Tenzi, Story Cubes, headbanz, etc.